Azure devops extension available icons

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This page shows how to use an icon in Azure DevOps extensions

It does not however show a list of available icons or a link to one. Where can I find which icons are available?

Update 1: It appears to be a subset of

Update 2: rtfm, the manual says:

iconName in the manual

Mar 15, 2022 in DevOps & Agile by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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Let's begin by making a new folder in which to store our new extension! We'll create a couple of crucial files in this folder that make up the anatomy of an Azure DevOps extension. These are the files:

The fundamental definition of our extension is the manifest file (vss-extension.json).
The task manifest file(s) (task.json), our task definitions, which scripts to run, and which task input parameters to display.
The task script file(s) (.ps1/.js), which contain the scripts that are run according to the task.json configuration.
You have the option of using javascript (.js) or powershell (.ps1) files. The powershell files will be used in our situation.
Modules for completing tasks (for example, the VstsTaskSdk module)
A symbol for our add-on! (.png)

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answered Mar 21, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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