Connect Azure DevOps repository to another Azure DevOps repository from different account

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I have an organizational Microsoft account and a Visual Studio Professional subscription. Also, I have my own Microsoft account and a project in Azure DevOps. I need is to connect my own DevOps repository to the DevOps project in my organizational account.

The goal is to set up CI/CD and deploy my project in Azure under my Visual Studio Professional subscription. I found OAuth configurations settings under Organization Settings in DevOps but there are no options to connect another DevOps repository. The workflow:

  1. Push changes to my own DevOps repo
  2. Get these changes in the organizational DevOps repo
  3. Deploy to Azure under organizational Visual Studio Professional Subscription.

If there is some way to omit the 2nd step it would be great. steps done:

  1. - indicates there should be some way to achieve this goal, but I found nothing in google
  2. Tried to use DevOps starter in Azure, but there is only one DevOps organization - the one from my organizational account and no way to add an external one.
  3. Azure DevOps -> Organization Settings -> OAuth configurations: there are only GitHub and BitBucket source types.
Mar 15, 2022 in DevOps on Cloud by Kichu
• 19,040 points

1 answer to this question.

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You can consider these two directions:
Import your own repo into your organizational DevOps project and develop code directly in the newly imported repo or if you have a specific reason to develop in your own repo and then share the changes to organizational DevOps repo, then you need synchronization between these two reps:
1. You can follow Azure DevOps Repos synchronization between organizations to make cross-organization synchronization between your two repos.
Assuming your own repo is RepoA, and the copy of RepoA in organizational Microsoft account is RepoACopy. Follow the steps shared in the link above, after that RepoACopy will get the changes when something changes in RepoA.
2. Create a pipeline for RepoACopy to deploy to Azure under organizational Visual Studio Professional Subscription. And set the CI/CD trigger for this pipeline.
Then every time you have changes in your own RepoA => RepoACopy get changes => CI/CD pipeline will start to deploy the changes to Azure. It should meet your expected workflow.

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answered Mar 16, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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