Are there tools to view SQS queue status with only API keys [closed]

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I am working on Amazon SES with SQS to receive the bounce list of the email. For security reason, I am only given the information that necessary to connect to the SES and SQS service (host name, API keys, etc), so I am not able to use the AWS console to see the status of the queue. This is reasonable as I don't want to mess with many other services that are under the same account - especially when the services are not free. However, as the job is added to SQS by SES, I would need a way to see what's in SQS, so as to know if the bug is because the job is not inside SQS or simply because my code failed to retrieve the job.

So, are there tools that I can view the SQS status when I don't have access to AWS console?

Aug 6, 2018 in AWS by bug_seeker
• 15,510 points

closed Aug 6, 2018 by Priyaj 556 views

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