How to upload or deploy bna file on IBM blockchain service

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I am trying to deploy a BNA file on the IBM bluemix blockchain service. I have obtained the BNA file from the composer playground and i could not find a way to push that file on bluemix blockchain service. 

I have tried this tutorial but they are trying to make a chaincode and then deploying it on the blockchain service of bluemix. Why do i have to create a chaincode for deploying? can't i just push the models and javascript transaction processor functions and then use it via a REST API from the bluemix blockchain service. 

A step by step process for deploying the BNA file(obtained from composer playground) on the bluemix blockchain service would be much appreciated.

Jul 27, 2018 in Blockchain by Shashank
• 10,400 points

retagged Nov 23, 2018 by Kalgi 914 views

1 answer to this question.

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The link you provide is for Go Lang chaincode, not a Composer Business Network (BNA). I would suggest the following link, Fabric composer integration with Bluemix blockchain service.

answered Jul 27, 2018 by aryya
• 7,460 points

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