Implement Common Logging in Talend

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I am trying to implement a common logging component which is pluggable to any job for catching logs.

With this use case in mind, I have created two jobs where I am segregating the logs into two files (debug & error).

The first job contains a tRowGenerator component which will generate lines and then forward them to the tMap component. From tMap, I have linked two tWarn components that will generate warnings based on some conditions.  

My second job contains tLogCatcher and tFilterRow components which will help in segregating the input files based on the provided conditions.

I am trying to execute both the jobs in parallel to catch the logs, but it seems like it is not the way it should be done.

Please give me any idea how to perform this? 

Apr 12, 2018 in Talend by misc.edu04
• 1,450 points

1 answer to this question.

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Well, you can try using following 2 ways:

1.  Creating Joblet: If you want to stick to your current job, then I think you can try creating a Joblet. But, it's not a good practice to use the same file from multiple jobs as it may lead to errors. This will only work perfectly with a job that produces multiple files.

2.  Using log4j in enterprise version: the enterprise version of Talend studio has built-in log4j. With this, you can set the debugging level inside your tWarn or tDie components itself. Then you can configure the tlog4j to transfer the logs into specified files.

Hope these help.

answered Apr 12, 2018 by geek.erkami
• 2,680 points
Hi,in talend open version,we will not have log4j ,so how can we get the logs in talend open version?
Hi, @Rajeev,

Regarding your query, I would suggest you go through the official page on talend.

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