I have a Node-RED application that is bound to an IOT Foundation (iotf) service. I can receive events from devices and handle them appropriately.
However, I am now interested in sending commands back to my devices and am having some problems. Nothing is showing up at the device, but by creating an IOTF in node, I can confirm that the command is passing through iotf.
I can definitely get commands to pass through iotf using pure python, as the follow code works well:
Client code:
import ibmiotf.device
from time import sleep
options = {
"org": "cgmncc",
"type": "table",
"id": "b827eb764b7a",
"auth-method": "token",
"auth-token": "redacted"
def myCommandCallback(cmd):
print('inside command callback')
print cmd
def main():
client = ibmiotf.device.Client(options)
client.commandCallback = myCommandCallback
while True:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Application code:
import ibmiotf.application
options = {
"org": "redacted",
"id": "python app",
"auth-method": "apikey",
"auth-key": "redacted",
"auth-token": "redacted"
client = ibmiotf.application.Client(options)
client.publishCommand('table', 'b827eb764b7a', 'test')
except ibmiotf.ConnectionException as e:
print e
Whenever I run the application code, I see the following output:
root@raspberrypi ~ # ./app.py
inside command callback
<ibmiotf.device.Command instance at 0x14e8490>
I have a Node-RED iotf output node configured as shown below, but when I trigger the flow, the command callback function doesn't trigger!

I'm thinking there maybe something wrong either with trying to use a timestamp trigger to fire the command, or with the way I've configured the output node itself -- any suggestions or advice would be appreciated!