sync --delete command removed all local files in AWS S3

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aws s3 sync -- delete deleted few of the newly generated files.

I had few files in the s3 bucket which I want to sync it to the server. I used the above command but it deleted all the files and did not sync with the server. 

Is there any other way to do it or help me with this.

Jul 18, 2018 in Cloud Computing by code_ninja
• 6,300 points

1 answer to this question.

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aws sync is not used for deleting the files, it only copies or modifies the files.

-- delete is used to delete files from the destination and not from the source or rather deletes the files that are not present in S3.

If your aim to copy files to S3 and then to the local directory.

use aws sync command without delete. It will copy all the files to S3 and sycn it to the local directory without deleting any files.

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answered Jul 18, 2018 by Gopalan
• 1,360 points

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