I'm hoping you can assist me with this little challenging issue. Using the W3Schools SQL course, I'm creating "real-world" queries as I go along to attempt and gain some experience with this. I'm attempting to determine who ordered what using their information by utilising the following:
SELECT c.CustomerName, p.ProductName
FROM Customers c inner join Orders o on c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID
JOIN OrderDetails od on od.OrderID = o.OrderID
JOIN Products p on p.ProductID = od.ProductID;
This keeps returning the error:
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'c.customerid = o.customerid join orderdetails od on od.orderid = o.orderid join products p on p.productid = od.productid'.
After much tinkering and having a more knowledgeable colleague review my query, we are unable to identify anything incorrect with what I have typed.
Please give me some assistance or direction.