I have an NFT collection that generates 1 token (let's call them COIN) every 24 hours (see CyberKongz). There is no ICO for COIN and the currency is 100% inflationary meaning the supply starts when the first NFT generates 1 COIN.
If the price of each NFT is .003 ETH and I purchase COIN with 5% of the proceeds from the sale, then the initial price after minting the first NFT would be .003 ETH * .05(%) = 0.00015 ETH or 50 cents USD.
Since the NFT generates COIN every day, and multiple NFT's are minted on any given day, how do I properly add liquidity to COIN keeping its price to two decimal places? If I purchase COIN with the proceeds of the sale, does it essentially just become like an ICO where one wallet holds most of the coins?
Does anyone have a good suggestion for the monetary policy of COIN given its inflationary nature?