How to unzip a zipped folder using UiPath

0 votes
I want to Unzip a Zipped folder using UiPath. Any please tell how can I do that?
Mar 8, 2019 in RPA by Akanksha

3 answers to this question.

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi Akansha, to unzip a zipper folder using UiPath follow the steps one by one:

1. First create a Sequence and 2 variables zipPath and extractPath. Then assign the default value of zipPath as the path of Zipped Folder and for extractPath, give path value where you want to upzip the folder.

2. Then call activity Invoke Method and in Target Type select System.IO.Compression.ZipFile. And give MethodName as ExtractToDirectory. 

3. Now under Properties for Invoke Method set the Parameters using zipPath & extractPath.

Finally run the automation you will be able to get the unzipped folder into desired directory.

answered Mar 8, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points

selected May 6, 2019 by Abha
0 votes


When i try to add System.IO.Compression.ZipFile. its wont displaying

answered May 6, 2019 by saranya

Hi Saranya, I checked for your error and you are right that System.IO.Compression.ZipFile is not available as a Target option in Invoke method. The probable reason which I can think of is that either it's been deprecated or removed from the System.IO.Compression collection. 

So to resolve this issue you can simply ditch the invoke method and instead install the UiPathTeam.ArchiveLib.Activity package to use Compress Archive and Expand Archive activities from it. You can follow these steps to expand (unzip) a compressed folder (zip file):

1. Click on Manage Packages and navigate to Go! section. Now search for UiPathTeam.ArchiveLib.Activity and click on this package to install it. Install and Save it.

2. Now in activities search for Expand Archive and drag it to the sequence. In the Properties, set DestinationPath as the path where you want the unzipped files and set Path as the path of zipped file/folder. 

Now, just run the program and you will have your unzipped files. Please do let me know if this works for you.

yes, its working
0 votes

Hi, Both the solutions didn't work for me, However, I found another solution which worked like charm.

You can use BalaReva.Externals.Activities Package and use Unzip activity. You can get it from ManagePackages Section and can install it.

Do let me know if you face any issue. :)


K.G. Maheshwari

answered Jun 21, 2019 by K. G. Maheshwari

Hi K.G.Maheshwari, I know about this BalaReva Package, though I avoided using it because its a 3rd party package and the other 2 are working fine for me. But, glad that you shared this package too.

UiPathTeam.ArchiveLib.Activity is an official UiPath package, which can be used to resolve this issue. Other 3rd party packages also works fine. 

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