Build a custom wifi stack

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I'm building out an IoT solution for a client and the network admins are insisting that the devices only connect through the guest network, which has a captive portal with terms of service that must be accepted with a UI button press before gaining external internet access. Most IoT Solutions I've looked at so far (electric imp, Spark core) explicitly state that they cannot connect to a captive portal. I've seen other higher-level code for automatically interacting with a captive portal but I have not found a solution that allows an embedded wifi device (like the CC3000) to automatically accept terms on a captive portal.

Has anyone seen or built a custom wifi stack for something like the CC3000 that can recognize and interact with a captive portal? is there another embedded wifi solution (xbee wifi maybe?) that has had success in this area?
Oct 17, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

1 answer to this question.

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After considering all options, I believe we are going to go embed the behavour into the SparkCore firmware and insert a captive portal check in the wifi connection code.

spark_utilities.cpp line 807 (Internet_Test function)

answered Oct 17, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,280 points

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