Steps in creating a lambda function in AWS

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What are the steps in creating a lambda function in AWS?
May 20, 2019 in AWS by Tara

1 answer to this question.

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To create a Lambda function, you first package your code and dependencies in a deployment package. Then, you upload the deployment package to AWS Lambda to create your Lambda function.

Creating Deployment

You must first organize your code and dependencies in certain ways and create a deployment package. When you create Lambda functions using the console, the console creates the deployment package for you, and then uploads it to create your Lambda function.

Uploading a deployment package

AWS Lambda provides the CreateFunction operation, which is what you use to create a Lambda function. You can use the AWS Lambda console, AWS CLI, and AWS SDKs to create a Lambda function.

Testing your Lambda function

If your Lambda function is designed to process events of a specific type, you can use sample event data to test your Lambda function using one of the following methods:

  • Test your Lambda function in the console.
  • Test your Lambda function using the AWS CLI. You can use the Invoke method to invoke your Lambda function and pass in sample event data.
  • Test your Lambda function locally using the AWS SAM CLI.

answered May 20, 2019 by Taragan

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