Embed Microsoft Power BI into Liferay

0 votes
Is possible to embed Microsoft Power BI into Liferay. The ideal scenario is that the client logs in to a Liferay portal and views power bi dashboards on the portal. Can this be done?
Sep 25, 2018 in Power BI by Hannah
• 18,570 points

2 answers to this question.

0 votes
You can use an iframe immediately or rewrite the reports UI in a portlet. You can even write the whole administrative UI as a portlet
answered Sep 25, 2018 by Kalgi
• 52,360 points
0 votes


Embed Microsoft Power BI into Liferay- I HOPE THIS ANSWER MY HELP YOU

Good, yes, of course it's possible. What do you need to do? But It depends. You can use an iframe immediately or rewrite the reports UI in a portlet. You can even write the whole administrative UI as a portlet. These options were all in increasing amounts of effort you'll have to put into it (and frankly, rewriting all of the UI would be ridiculous, I don't expect you to do this).

You might have to check

  • Single Sign On for Liferay and BI
  • Options for BI to be integrated in any other applications, its API (might be: iframe, distinct media - e.g. images, JSON representations of reports etc)
  • The amount of seamless integration you need - e.g. is an extra click accepted? How many resources (time) do you have to implement the integration?

If you are interested in learning Power BI, check out the Power BI Course Syllabus now!

answered Jul 15, 2020 by anonymous

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