jQuery - Difficulty with copy-to-clipboard and a textbox

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I've found several scripts for copying a textbox value to the clipboard.

Here's the function I am using:

it to work is on a textbox in a form #project-entry-form--folder-location with a button to call the function #project-entry-form--folder-location-copy The textbox and button are there on page load, the VALUE of the textbox is generated as the user makes certain choices in the form.

THE FUNCTION IS FIRING... If I click the button, the message generated at the bottom of the copyToClipboard() function comes up. So, I know the click functionality is working and the function is firing. But, nothing is on the clipboard. For some reason it doesn't get any value for the element passed to it.

I can alert() the value of the textbox from within the same click event and that works. So, I know the textbox's value is accessible.

I cannot figure out why the function works fine given one input element, but not the other. Only difference is when the value is there. But, then the alert() function can get it just fine, why not the copyToClipboard() function? No different than the user typing into the textbox, right?

Jun 1, 2022 in JQuery by Edureka
• 13,670 points

1 answer to this question.

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I think the problem is with your "this" context.

Remember that the object which serves as the parameter to the editInPlace call is constructed before you make the call.  So you don't have an appropriate "this".

.attr("folder") will work fine, as you could test by, say,

  1.     $(".edit").click(function(evt) {
  2.         alert($(this).attr("folder"));
  3.     });
answered Jun 1, 2022 by Edureka
• 13,670 points

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