Cloudformation Cognito - how to setup App Client Settings Domain and Federated Identities via SAM template

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I already have my cognito user pool cloudformation template working, and have it integrated to my api gateway. But somehow i still have to manually configure the app client settings, domain, and federated identities to have a working login portal for the users. I have been looking here and there for possible solutions in automating these, but i cannot seem to find anything close to it.
I would like to automate the configuration of the app client settings, domain, and federated identities via cloudformation sam template so i do not have to do these manually. Any suggestions are much appreciated

Aug 27, 2018 in Cloud Computing by bug_seeker
• 15,520 points

1 answer to this question.

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Looks like there is no way to provide App integration -> Domain name and Federation -> Identity providers via CloudFormation.

I found only reference for User Pool Client (General settings -> App clients) but it will not configure App integration -> App client settings.

If you need to automate process of providing Domain name, Identity providers and App client settings for user pool, you can do that by creating custom script (AWS CLI) or Lambda (AWS SDK) which should be performed after stack deployment.

answered Aug 27, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,090 points

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