Hi@Arun, By default, the parameter "dfs.datanode.failed.volumes.tolerated" is set ...READ MORE
Actually, you are not mentioning the path for ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can use the Chown command. This ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can use the Hadoop filesystem command ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can use appendToFile in your Hadoop ...READ MORE
The behaviour that you are seeing is ...READ MORE
If you have one avro file and ...READ MORE
HDFS has Master Slave architecture in which Master ...READ MORE
You can either install Apache Hadoop on ...READ MORE
You need to use the special hiveconf for variable ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can find setrep command in the ...READ MORE
It allows to run dfs commands more ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, This error may occur if your datanode ...READ MORE
Try this: Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); FileSystem fs ...READ MORE
if you are already on hive shell ...READ MORE
Writable in an interface in Hadoop and types ...READ MORE
Hello All, I am new to hadoop, i ...READ MORE
Try using the below build.sbt, code.scala and command ...READ MORE
I guess you didn't understand it correctly, ...READ MORE
You can use the import-all-tables option and along with ...READ MORE
Refer to the below code used to ...READ MORE
I add mysql driver for sqoop and it ...READ MORE
There are two mistakes in the command ...READ MORE
To solve this error, add hadoop-common to ...READ MORE
Refer to this example: Step1: Check table test1 ...READ MORE
Okay,here's the code snippet to work in the ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, Shuffle phase in Hadoop transfers the map output from ...READ MORE
--Create Hive external Table for existing data CREATE ...READ MORE
You will find the streaming jar here: ...READ MORE
Yes, you heard it correctly. Apache Sqoop is ...READ MORE
You can directly pass the password in ...READ MORE
You need to install Hadoop winutils to ...READ MORE
This particular exception is related to Hive logs. ...READ MORE
you can manually input the hadoop home ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, It is showing syntax error in your ...READ MORE
Go to your Spark Web UI & ...READ MORE
Have you placed the jar files in ...READ MORE
hadoop.tmp.dir is used as the base for temporary ...READ MORE
There are two conditions for no. of ...READ MORE
spark-csv is part of core Spark functionality ...READ MORE
Mostly HMaster is not running. Enter the ...READ MORE
I had a similar problem while I was working ...READ MORE
Yarn container are a process space where ...READ MORE
Let's start with the definitions Hadoop is an ...READ MORE
Hey, Thrift comes in the architectural part of ...READ MORE
Hi, Earlier, there was no operation supported for ...READ MORE
Add these 2 lines in your code ...READ MORE
This is a dependency mismatch error. I ...READ MORE
Apache Hive is mainly used for batch processing i.e. ...READ MORE
Hi, This HDFS command is used to change ...READ MORE
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