Open the terminal and run the following ...READ MORE
To be able to browse the znode, ...READ MORE
You have to set the details of ...READ MORE
If you have enabled Kerberos for the ...READ MORE
Hue looks for the sentry configuration file ...READ MORE
You have to set the server details ...READ MORE
Here's the default configuration suggested by the ...READ MORE
I could redirect to a Python library ...READ MORE
Your requirements show that you are using ...READ MORE
To do this, you have to set ...READ MORE
Open the hue configuration file and under the [[mapred_clusters]] property set ...READ MORE
You have to set this in the hue ...READ MORE
You have to set this in hue configuration ...READ MORE
Follows these steps: Open the hue configuration file Search for the [[yarn_clusters]] section Set ...READ MORE
First, you will have to configure oozie to use ...READ MORE
Hey, If the problem you are having do the ...READ MORE
Open the hue configuration file and search for the [[yarn_clusters]] sub-section. ...READ MORE
To set the Resource Manager host, open ...READ MORE
You have to set this in hue configuration file. ...READ MORE
Hey, This step shows the configuration properties you ...READ MORE
Hey, If for some reason you decide not ...READ MORE
Hey, The Thrift server may crash if it ...READ MORE
To set the path to TLS certificate, open ...READ MORE
Hey, The Master and RegionServer both participate in ...READ MORE
Hello, To write scripts with HBase shell it includes non-interactive mode, ...READ MORE
Hi, Increasing the file handles for the user ...READ MORE
Hey, Because HBase is a database, it opens ...READ MORE
Hi. How to set NT domain? You have to ...READ MORE
Hey, HBase uses the coordinates to locate a ...READ MORE
Hey, Byte Array, Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("John Smith")); All ...READ MORE
Hey, These jobs are often IO based not ...READ MORE
Hey, Delete (delete /path) command is similar to remove command, except the ...READ MORE
Hey, Removes a specified znode and recursively all ...READ MORE
Hello, Status describes the metadata of a specified znode. ...READ MORE
You have to set the Hue server url ...READ MORE
The group_name_attr is used to set the username in the ...READ MORE
Open the Hue configuration file Search for [[ldap]] section Search for [[[groups]]] section Set the ...READ MORE
You have to add this in the Hue ...READ MORE
You have to specify the filter to ...READ MORE
Are you sure you're running Hadoop on 32bit ...READ MORE
If you are ready to switch to ...READ MORE
Hey, Creating children is similar to creating new ...READ MORE
Hey, Watches show a notification when the specified ...READ MORE
Hey, It returns the associated data of the ...READ MORE
Hey, To create an Ephemeral Znode, add -e flag as shown ...READ MORE
Hey, To create a Sequential znode, add -s flag as shown ...READ MORE
Hey, Create a znode with the given path. The flag argument ...READ MORE
Hey, The main reason why we need to ...READ MORE
Hey, After connecting the server and performing all ...READ MORE
Hey, To start the CLI for zookeeper you can ...READ MORE
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