How does HDFS Federation help HDFS Scale horizontally

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I am working on a big data project and I want to scale my HDFS horizontally. Is HDFS Federation plays any role in scaling HDFS?

Can someone explain?

Thanks in advance.
Jul 12, 2018 in Big Data Hadoop by Meci Matt
• 9,460 points

1 answer to this question.

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Let me try to explain you the whole scenario. 

HDFS Federation in order to scale the name service horizontally, federation uses multiple independent Namenodes/Namespaces. The Namenodes are federated, that is, the Namenodes are independent and don’t require coordination with each other. The datanodes are used as common storage for blocks by all the Namenodes. Each datanode registers with all the Namenodes in the cluster. Datanodes send periodic heartbeats and block reports and handles commands from the Namenodes. 
Hope this will help you.

answered Jul 12, 2018 by nitinrawat895
• 11,380 points

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