How can i start with DOCKER as a back-front end web dev

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I am in the first year of my professional career. I can't be a full-stack dev, but I am working on both back(java) and front(angular) parts.

I am hearing about docker from a long ago and it seems so interesting and a great trend to start using. So my main question is in which process I can use DOCKER, and with what features it will benefit me in the web app's life cycle?
Dec 3, 2020 in Docker by aminegac
• 570 points

recategorized Dec 4, 2020 by MD 1,014 views

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote
Best answer


For running an application you need an OS, RAM, CPU, etc. It may be in a full-stack domain, or cloud domain, or any other domain. You can say docker is a light weighted OS. You can use docker for every individual application. The first thing you need to do is configure docker in your system. After that, go to the docker hub and search your required image. For example, you need OS for python, then go to docker hub and search an image for python and use it.

If you are a beginner on docker, then you can go through the below youtube video.

answered Dec 4, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points

selected Dec 5, 2020 by aminegac

@MD thank you very much , an instructive reply . now i started getting it , so it means that with docker you can create a container to each project , and deploy  each app on the container it is designed for , and the images of each techno used is there in that specific container , 

so the benefit if i understood well , is to make the app run on a container that has everything it needs which MAKES THAT APP INDEPANDANT of a lot of things(jars , ide , server and os )???


Yes. First, learn the basics of docker. After that, use docker according to your requirement. It will ease your work and save your time.

@MD thank you , so one last question to close this topic , does docker replace for me tomcat server and deploying each time my builds on that tomcat server ?? will it make it easier and tomcat independant?


I can't get you properly. But if you are trying to use docker for tomcat server, then yes you can do it.

ok great thank you @akhtar

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