Unable to get the test result passed

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When I try to run the test case its giving wrong email and getting failed. Can any one know why its going wrong?
Oct 28, 2020 in Selenium by faha
• 380 points
Is the email address you are specifying is a valid one? check if that is valid!
Yes Karan the email address is valid one
Hey @faha, could you please post the error as well as the code snippet that you have used?


Check the snippet, finally updated eclipse and it cant invoke the selenium webdriver. Can you help me in trying to fix it.

Hey, @Faha, check the compatibility of the JDK version and the web driver that you are using.
@ Karan

Ok Compatibility but how?

 There are some existing compatibility issues between Selenium and java versions other than java-8 as follows:

  • java-9: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred while executing automated tests using Selenium and Java 9
  • java-11: Unable to import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver using Selenium and Java 11

The strategic solution will be to install the latest version of JDK 8u341 and execute the @Tests

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