Is visual Studio TFS is part of the tools to implement DevOps or do we need to use suggested tools like Jira Jenkins etc

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 I’m new with DevOps and wondering if visual Studio TFS is part of the tools to implement DevOps or do we need to use suggested tools like Jira + Jenkins + etc?
Oct 28, 2020 in DevOps Tools by anonymous
• 19,610 points

1 answer to this question.

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Team foundation server is not really considered to be a DevOps tool. Mainly because it is a Microsoft product (not open source).  The main requirement to qualify as a DevOps tool is being open source. But do note, it's not a hard and soft rule for a tool to be open source. Its the license and ease of use which really matters.

However, you can use it in your DevOps lifecycle because it provides similar functionality today

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answered Oct 28, 2020 by Kim

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