how can we scroll left and right automatically in uipath

+1 vote
I took click activity and set click type down property. Then i took type into activity and set clicking region property right 0,0,4,0.

With this, scrollbar is going right but when i set clicking region property left it is not working for left scroll.
Sep 10, 2020 in RPA by tej
• 150 points

1 answer to this question.

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UiPath.Core.Activities.SetClippingRegion Sets the clipping region of a UI element. Properties Input Direction - The direction in which to expand the clipping region. The following options are available: left, top, right, bottom, rectangle,...

For more info refer

For more details about Robotic Process using UiPath, You can get a better understanding with the Uipath certification.

answered Sep 10, 2020 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
@sirajul it is not working. I only want to scroll on left side
You should probably try using send hotkey activity. It is basically a keyboard simulation.

So my suggestion would be to either use the “left” or “right” option which will simulate the left and right arrow keys, or you can also use the ctrl+left or ctrl+right send hotkey options.

Try it out and see if it will meet your requirements.

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