ERROR Unexpected Exception this is probably a bug HTTP Error 400 Bad Request

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Hi Guys,

I am trying to login to Ansible Galaxy from the command line. But it is showing me the below error. Though I am giving the correct credentials.

$ ansible-galaxy role login

We need your GitHub login to identify you.
This information will not be sent to Galaxy, only to
The password will not be displayed.
Use --github-token if you do not want to enter your password.
GitHub Username: xxxxxxx
Password for xxxxxxxx:
ERROR! Unexpected Exception, this is probably a bug: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
to see the full traceback, use -vvv
Aug 28, 2020 in Ansible by akhtar
• 38,260 points

2 answers to this question.

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You will get this error if you are using the wrong credentials of GitHub. But there may be another reason behind this. You have to log in to the Ansible Galaxy portal first. Otherwise, it will not allow you to log in from command line. So login into the portal first and try once. It will work.

answered Aug 28, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points
0 votes
When you get the 400 number, that would mean that the request was malformed. In other words, the data stream sent to the server didn't follow the rules which was sent by the client. The 400’s are precisely used to indicate that the JSON is not valid in some way, in a REST API with a JSON payload situation. According to this situation, the 400’s should be the same for both the situations but if you would assume that this were XML rather than JSOM, then in both scenarios the XML would not clear the validation of the scheme due to an improper element use which would be a bad request.
answered Feb 9, 2022 by Soham
• 9,710 points

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