dial tcp 192 168 99 114 8443 connect connection refused Error timed out waiting for the condition

0 votes

Hi Guys,

I am trying to start my Minishift Cluster. But it is showing me the below error.

$ minishift start
-- Starting profile 'minishift'
-- Check if deprecated options are used ... OK
-- Checking if https://github.com is reachable ... OK
-- Checking if requested OpenShift version 'v3.11.0' is valid ... OK
-- Checking if requested OpenShift version 'v3.11.0' is supported ... OK
-- Checking if requested hypervisor 'virtualbox' is supported on this platform ... OK
-- Checking if VirtualBox is installed ... OK
-- Checking the ISO URL ... OK
-- Checking if provided oc flags are supported ... OK
-- Starting the OpenShift cluster using 'virtualbox' hypervisor ...
-- Starting Minishift VM ................................................ OK
-- Checking for IP address ... OK
-- Checking for nameservers ... OK
-- Checking if external host is reachable from the Minishift VM ...
   Pinging ... OK
-- Checking HTTP connectivity from the VM ...
   Retrieving http://minishift.io/index.html ... OK
-- Checking if persistent storage volume is mounted ... OK
-- Checking available disk space ... 20% used OK
-- Writing current configuration for static assignment of IP address ... OK
-- OpenShift cluster will be configured with ...
   Version: v3.11.0
-- Copying oc binary from the OpenShift container image to VM ... OK
-- Starting OpenShift cluster ..................................................................Error during 'cluster up' execution: Error starting the cluster. ssh command error:
command : /var/lib/minishift/bin/oc cluster up --base-dir /var/lib/minishift/base --image 'openshift/origin-${component}:v3.11.0' --public-hostname --routing-suffix
err     : exit status 1
output  : Getting a Docker client ...
Checking if image openshift/origin-control-plane:v3.11.0 is available ...
Checking type of volume mount ...
Determining server IP ...
Using public hostname IP as the host IP
Checking if OpenShift is already running ...
Checking for supported Docker version (=>1.22) ...
Checking if insecured registry is configured properly in Docker ...
Checking if required ports are available ...
Checking if OpenShift client is configured properly ...
Checking if image openshift/origin-control-plane:v3.11.0 is available ...
Starting OpenShift using openshift/origin-control-plane:v3.11.0 ...
I0819 07:48:52.603979    2618 flags.go:30] Running "create-kubelet-flags"
I0819 07:48:54.329508    2618 run_kubelet.go:49] Running "start-kubelet"
I0819 07:48:55.541782    2618 run_self_hosted.go:181] Waiting for the kube-apiserver to be ready ...
E0819 07:53:55.573457    2618 run_self_hosted.go:571] API server error: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused ()
Error: timed out waiting for the condition

How can I solve this error?

Aug 19, 2020 in DevOps Tools by akhtar
• 38,240 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes


You may get this error because of the network issue. You can restart your Minishift VM or can delete your VM using the below command.

$ minishift delete
$ minishift start
answered Aug 19, 2020 by MD
• 95,440 points

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