In current market conditions what is the career path for a Project Manager to choose to be more relevant

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Keeping in mind the current market conditions, Project Managers are losing their positions and finding difficulty to get new jobs.

Many companies are laying off their middle management roles.

As Project mangers are moved out of hands-on technical skills for some time, what is the up-skilling path they need to take to be more relevant in the market to find better opportunities?
Aug 4, 2020 in PMP by anonymous
• 19,610 points

2 answers to this question.

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I do not support the view that PM's are losing their positions. It is all about adapting your skills not your career path.

Skilling up on certain skills will make your CV much more attractive.

Roles come and goes but the function remains. You need to keep your skillset relevant in order to perform the function not the role.

It is for this reason that you will often see job postings that require project management skills or education yet the role is not for a PM.

Hope this helps!

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answered Aug 4, 2020 by Dorothy
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With in the project management career path, one can pursue Senior PM, Program Manager, Portfolio Manager.

An alternate career path can be also managing larger and more complex projects. This is also a good career path. We cannot compare the Project Manager skills needed for a project for organizing an event and a project for design and manufacturing a new train. Totally different skills needed, and I am talking about soft skills here.

As for requirements for technical skills or any other specific skills besides PM skills, no harm, they can only be an advantage to the PM skills.

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answered Aug 4, 2020 by Milena

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