How to list down all Plugins in Jenkins from CLI

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Hi Guys,

I have configured Jenkins CLI in my Windows system. I want to list down all the plugins from CLI. How can I do that?

Jul 7, 2020 in Jenkins by akhtar
• 38,240 points

1 answer to this question.

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You need to download the jenkins-cli.jar file in your Windows system. After that, you can use the below command. It will show you all the plugins in Jenkins.

$ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s Jenkins_URL list-plugins
conditional-buildstep              Conditional BuildStep                                            1.3.6
parameterized-trigger              Parameterized Trigger plugin                                     2.37
jquery                             jQuery plugin                                                    1.12.4-1
ssh-slaves                         SSH Build Agents plugin                                          1.31.2
ace-editor                         JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin                     1.1
jquery-detached                    JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin 1.2.1
handlebars                         JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin                     1.1.1
momentjs                           JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin                      1.1.1
trilead-api                        Trilead API Plugin                                               1.0.6 (1.0.8)
jackson2-api                       Jackson 2 API Plugin                                             2.11.0 (2.11.1)
github-api                         GitHub API Plugin                                                1.111 (1.114.3)
jdk-tool                           Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin                  1.4
structs                            Structs Plugin                                                   1.20
workflow-step-api                  Pipeline: Step API                                               2.22
script-security                    Script Security Plugin                                           1.74
command-launcher                   Command Agent Launcher Plugin                                    1.4
workflow-scm-step                  Pipeline: SCM Step                                               2.11
credentials                        Credentials Plugin                                               2.3.7 (2.3.11)
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin                      4.5.10-2.0
ssh-credentials                    SSH Credentials Plugin                                           1.18.1
jsch                               JSch dependency plugin                                 
git-client                         Git client plugin                                                3.2.1 (3.3.0)
scm-api                            SCM API Plugin                                                   2.6.3
display-url-api                    Display URL API                                                  2.3.2
mailer                             Mailer Plugin                                                    1.32
git                                Git plugin                                                       4.2.2 (4.3.0)
token-macro                        Token Macro Plugin                                               2.12
plain-credentials                  Plain Credentials Plugin                                         1.7
github                             GitHub plugin                                                    1.30.0
answered Jul 7, 2020 by MD
• 95,440 points
It asks for authorization and doesn't accept --userame --password


It will not ask for any authorization. Just copy the command from your Jenkins Web UI and run it in your Windows command line. Make sure you have Java installed on your Windows system. If you get the same error, then take a screenshot and paste it here.

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