Data import using sqoop to Hive

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Hello Everyone,

I am trying to import data using sqoop to Hive, but I am getting following error.

ERROR manager.SqlManager: Error executing statement: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that correspond

s to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where (1 = 0)' at line 1

java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where

(1 = 0)' at line 1

Code :

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://ip-10-0-1-10.ec2.internal/BDHS_PROJECT --username labuser --password 'edureka' --query ' select date_

format(sp.Trading_date,'yyyy') AS Trading_year, date_format(sp.Trading_date,'MM') AS Trading_month, sp.Symbol, sc.Company_name as CompanyName, sc.Headquarter as State, sc.Sect

or as Sector, sc.Sub_industry as Sub_Industry, AVG(sp.Open) as Open, AVG(sp.Close) as Close, AVG(sp.Low) as Low, AVG(sp.High) as High, AVG(sp.Volume) as Volume from STOCK_PRIC

ES sp left join STOCK_COMPANIES sc on sp.Symbol = sc.Symbol group by Trading_year, Trading_month, CompanyName where $CONDITIONS' --hive-import  --hive-table BDHS_PROJECT.stock -m 1;

Jul 3, 2020 in Big Data Hadoop by anonymous
• 120 points

Hi, @Ketulkumar,

Could you please show me how did you establish the connection with the database!

The error that you are getting indicates that the Connection is not established with the Oracle Database. Most likely it due to either the Database hostname is not resolvable from your machine where you are running the sqoop client Or the --connect URL is not in a correct format. Please remove the '//' from the connection url string.

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