after installing hadoop 3 0 1 I can s access spark shell or hive shell

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Initially, I have used Hadoop 2.4 now I upgrade it to 3.0.1 then now I cannot use the same commands.
Jun 16, 2020 in Apache Spark by abdul
• 120 points

edited Jun 16, 2020 by MD 1,223 views

1 answer to this question.

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Hadoop 3.0.1 has lots of new features. As you are using the previous version of Hive, there may be a chance of a mismatch between the versions. So try to check which version is compatible with which version.

answered Jun 16, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points
hello , but in previous version  all things like spark,hive,hdfs,sqoop etc is presinstalled in it ,we just have to type the relevent commands for the specific shell i.e to launch spark, i write spark-shell and this was active
so, would you mean  i have to install the things like spark,hive etc  seprately?
Every version has its own configuration way. If I am not wrong you are trying to use Hadoop 3.0.1 but previously you used Hadoop 2.4. So once again you have to configure your tools in your Hadoop 3.0.1
So , you mean i have to install sepratelly then configure , am i right
Yes, you can do that.

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