Error in the Javis Project

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If you watch Edureka's channel then you may know that Edureka has created program for jarvis. In which the used pyttsx3, speechrecognition, etc. While installing these libraries I did not get any error but when I used it, it says that pyaudio is not installed but when I install pyaudio. Pyaudio do not installs and shows an error. Please help me to solve this problem

Thank you in advance,
Jun 7, 2020 in Python by Kodi
• 120 points

Hi, @Kodi,

Could you please post the channel link here and the error you are facing, So that it will be clear for us to investigate further and solve your query ASAP.

What error it is showing?

1 answer to this question.

0 votes
what you can do is download the .whl file of pyaudio and paste it in your python directory and after that try installing it using pip command and check whether it is importing or not. if any further issue faced then reply me.
answered Jun 28, 2020 by Shaurya Thapliyal
• 340 points

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