Want to remove the lasts from line in three txt file which is present into S3 bucket file size is more that 4 GB how to automate that using lambda

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I Want to remove the lasts from a line in three .txt file which is present into a S3 bucket and keep the three .txt files in the same s3 bucket (file size is more than 4 GB) how to automate that using lambda!!! using boto3
Jun 7, 2020 in AWS by Shubh
• 150 points

edited Jun 8, 2020 by MD 1,674 views

1 answer to this question.

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According to my knowledge,  you can't edit s3 files directly in s3. But you can sync your bucket locally and upload your changes to the s3 bucket.

  • First, sync your file from the s3 bucket to your local system.
C:\Users\NADIM AKTHAR\Desktop\New folder>aws s3 sync s3://bucketnadim bucket.txt
download: s3://bucketnadim/bucket.txt to bucket.txt\bucket.txt
download: s3://bucketnadim/123.jpg to bucket.txt\123.jpg
  • Then modify your file and upload it to the s3 bucket.
C:\Users\NADIM AKTHAR\Desktop\New folder>aws s3 sync bucket.txt s3://bucketnadim
upload: bucket.txt\bucket.txt to s3://bucketnadim/bucket.txt
answered Jun 8, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points

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