Combine two tables filtering out duplicates from table two

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I want to combine two tables into one. My first table has 3 columns: ID, Split, Program. my second table have "ID, Program, the split for the second table will be a 100% by default. The combined table has to have all the entries from table one and from table two only the entries that are not in table one. ID in table one is repeated multiple times with different percent split and program...

The whole exercise goal is: I have a dataset with ID and expenses by program, but some of those expenses are split over multiple programs which are calculated based on an external table which contains the split. So my end result should contain the original data set with only a few ID expenses split over more than one program.
May 12, 2020 in Power BI by Nikola
• 140 points
Hey, @Nikola,

You can do one thing, use the merge option and then select  NA and append.

I hope this will work.

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