Hyperledger - Can I have some instances on one network while on a Virtual Box

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I am new to blockchain development. I have a question that if while configuring the hyperledger network, I have created multiple ubuntu instances using virtualbox on one pc, Can the peers within each instance be connected in a single blockchain network?


Apr 4, 2018 in Blockchain by Atul
• 10,240 points

2 answers to this question.

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Yes, you can connect multiple instances to a Hyperledger Blochchain network. To do this, you have to use docker swarm mode. 

The primary machine on which the network is running has to initiate swarm mode. After that, the other instances will join it. Next, you have to create another network on top of this network. By this, all the instances in the swarm will communicate with each other.

To know more about this, visit: https://medium.com/@wahabjawed/hyperledger-fabric-on-multiple-hosts-a33b08ef24f

answered Aug 1, 2018 by Omkar
• 69,220 points
0 votes

In the default Development Fabric, all the docker containers are running on a single machine and the network addressing/routing is managed by Docker Compose. If you split your fabric to separate Virtualbox Ubuntu instances, you will have to understand and manage the network addressing/routing. This is a Docker and networking issue, not really a Fabric or Composer issue. You may find that Kubernetes is the most helpful way forward for you or Docker Swarm.

answered Apr 4, 2018 by Christine
• 15,790 points

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