how to get the count of non zero values in a row

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Sample Data:

day       employee    expense_reason        expense
2/24/2018   abc   car mileage               $5 
2/24/2018   xyz   car mileage               $5 
2/24/2018   xyz   car rent                  $8 
2/24/2018   xyz   car rent                  $9 

Find all the occasions where single employees have claimed both the expenses on the same day.

I have created the following view in Tableau using day and employees as rows and expense and the reason as column and finally sum(number of rows) on the text of the markscard.

What I am getting is the grand total using analysis>>totals>>show row totals instead of getting row totals, Can anyone help me to get the count of non zero values in a row

day        employee   car mileage   car rent    grand total
2/24/2018   abc         1                         1
2/24/2018   xyz         1           2             3

update 1

I tried this but it is not giving output as I wantenter image description here

Apr 4, 2018 in Tableau by xyz
• 1,560 points

1 answer to this question.

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In first part you should solve the No-Data part since there is no data for the combo abc-rent.

In order to it you can use the lookup function, and force a fake lookup using 0 as parameter.


Then you can use ZN function and force a zero for a null value, which is different from No Data.

That being said, you should be able to get something like this:

enter image description here

Create this calculated field:

zn(LOOKUP(max({ FIXED [day],[employee],[reason] : COUNT([reason])}),0))


If you want to have grand totals, i think this should be the better solution:

enter image description here

And the Calculated Field is a pure Count nested in a lookup function as said before:


answered Apr 4, 2018 by Atul
• 10,240 points

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