How to iterate through an S3 bucket to find the last modified file and then save that to a local folder

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Hi there guys, I've been tasked with creating a script uses the boto3 and AWS CLI to check when a last file change with an S3 bucket has occurred and then to sync the files within that S3 bucket with another folder which will be set up as a accessible website. The reason the last bit is important is because I'm intending to use the --dryrun command which would allow said files to appear as links which would then be viewable on said site. Essentially, the script would make two calls to the bucket in order to check for when the bucket was last modified and then to upload those files to a local folder.

Any ideas or help would be much appreciated. If you're in need of any clarification of my question then just let me know and I'll be more than happy to answer.
Feb 18, 2020 in Python by Markus
• 120 points

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