What is ethical hacking

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I am familiar with hacking. But what is ethical hacking? Is it something more advanced form of hacking or does it have something to do with bug bounty hunting?
Jan 31, 2020 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by anonymous
• 19,610 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hacking is referred to as the illegal or legal practices of accessing data stored in any system by experts. These experts are termed as Hackers. Hackers have all the knowledge related to programming and its concepts. The mistakes that are done by programmers while developing or working on a software are picked up by hackers to encroach the security framework of the software.

Ethical hacking is conducted by hackers as well but their intention behind hacking is not for malicious purposes. Their services are used to check and build on software security and thus help to develop the security system of a framework in a business or organization to prevent potential threats. Ethical hackers are referred to as White Hats, who end up provide protection from the Black Hats who are the unethical hackers. Ethical hacking is adopted by many almost every organization.

Source : https://www.edureka.co/blog/hacking-vs-ethical-hacking/

Hope this helps!

To know more, It's recommended to join our Ethical Hacking Course today.

answered Jan 31, 2020 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

edited Oct 7, 2021 by Sarfaraz

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