How do I transfer files to a windows instance on GCP

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How do I transfer files to a windows instance running on google cloud?
Nov 8, 2019 in GCP by Sam
• 6,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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You could probably use Windows RDP client for this purpose.

Desktop RDP clients allow you to connect local devices and resources, including local drives, from your workstation to the Windows Server instance that you connect to. 

This makes your local workstation file system available as a remote resource while you are connected over RDP. Note that this is not available if you use the GCP Console with the Chrome RDP extension.

For example, on a Windows Server 2016 workstation:

  1. Open RDP.

  2. Click the Local Resources tab.

  3. Under Local devices and resources, click More.

  4. Select the Drives checkbox. When you open a connection to a remote instance, the local drives that you selected are available through Windows Explorer.

For more information, see Microsoft Remote Desktop clients.

answered Nov 8, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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