Recreating a VM on a different GCP project How can I transfer a disk snapshot across projects in Google Cloud Platform projects

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I am having a VM instance  in project A in GCE. I want to make a brand new instance that supported this VM in another project B.
I know that I could spawn a new instance via a disk snapshot but, is there any option to transfer such a snapshot across project?
What's the way to transfer a disk snapshot across projects in Google Cloud Platform projects?
Is there an improved way to reach this aside from employing a docker image?

Oct 16, 2019 in GCP by Karan
• 19,610 points

1 answer to this question.

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You could probably follow these steps to create a mirror VM in another project:

Firstly, create a snapshot of the boot disk of the source VM instance

Then, create a disk which is based on this snapshot in the target project

gcloud compute disks create vm-prod-disk --source-snapshot \<source-\
 project>/global/snapshots/<source-vm-snapshot> --project target-project

Last step is to create a VM based on the new disk from step 2

gcloud compute instances create vm-prod-duplicate \
--project target-project --disk name=vm-prod-disk,boot=yes

This should do!

answered Oct 16, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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