Create a customized windows image using an existing windows server instance

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How can I create a customized windows image using an existing windows server instance on GCP?
Nov 7, 2019 in GCP by anonymous
• 19,610 points

1 answer to this question.

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You can create disk images from the following sources:

  • A persistent disk, even while that disk is attached to an instance

  • A snapshot of a persistent disk

  • Another image in your project

  • An image that is shared from another project

  • An imported image stored in Cloud Storage

To create a windows image, 

  1. In the Google Cloud Platform Console, go to the Create a new image page.

  2. Specify the image Name.

  3. Choose a Source disk with a Windows operating system from which you want to create an image.

  4. Specify the Location to store the image. Choose an image location from the Based on source disk location (default)drop-down menu. For example, specify us to store the image in the us multi-region, or us-central1 to store it in the us-central1 region. If you do not make a selection, Compute Engine will store the image in the multi-region closest to your image's source location.

  5. Specify the properties for your image. For example, you can specify an image family name for your image to organize this image as part of an image family.

  6. Click Create.

answered Nov 7, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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