Create a database that is backward compatible with Cloud Datastore in GCP

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I have a requirement to create a database on GCP that is backward compatible with the existing Cloud Datastore. Is this possible? Can somebody elaborate?
Nov 4, 2019 in GCP by anonymous
• 6,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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You could create a new Cloud Firestore database,  where you can configure the database instance to run in Datastore mode which makes the database backwards-compatible with Cloud Datastore.

Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode uses Cloud Datastore system behavior but accesses Cloud Firestore's storage layer, removing the following Cloud Datastore limitations:

  • Eventual consistency, all Cloud Datastore queries become strongly consistent.

  • Transactions are no longer limited to 25 entity groups.

  • Writes to an entity group are no longer limited to 1 per second.

Datastore mode disables Cloud Firestore features that are not compatible with Cloud Datastore:

  • The project will accept Cloud Datastore API requests and deny Cloud Firestore API requests.

  • The project will use Cloud Datastore indexes instead of Cloud Firestore indexes.

  • You can use Cloud Datastore client libraries with this project but not Cloud Firestore client libraries.

  • Cloud Firestore real-time capabilities will not be available.

  • In the GCP Console, the database will use the Cloud Datastore viewer.

answered Nov 4, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
Can I access the new features of cloud filestore in the datastore mode?

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