There's a similar post here: https://www.edureka.co/community/43825/can-import-excel-files-into-contract-record-the-transaction
You can use the Oracle functionality for this. Oracle is a new feature that allows you to connect your Blockchain to the outside world. Refer to this.
You can not directly import an excel/csv file in your smart contracts but you have a few workarounds: Convert the data in the csv file into JSON file and use the JSON format in Smart Contracts. (Refer: https://www.blockchain.com/de/api/blockchain_api) Process the data in the csv file using client-side script like Javascript and then send this processed data to smart contract. Use Oraclize
To expand on Matthew's answer, each state ...READ MORE
You cant access/embed real world data using ...READ MORE
Smart contracts can be definitive if they ...READ MORE
Hey, @Amal, It will automatically take the address ...READ MORE
Any contract code written on the blockchain ...READ MORE
Whenever a smart contract receives ether via ...READ MORE
Yes, the contract is distributed by every node ...READ MORE
Any modification to the Ethereum Blockchain will ...READ MORE
To do this, you need to represent ...READ MORE
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