unistall and install Azure powershell on mac

+2 votes
I have installed Azure commands on powershell on mac and I was able to run (Connect-AzAccount), it gave me the link to connect to azure portal with the code, so, it connected, but then, when I am trying to run any Azure commands like Get-AzResources or Ger-AzResourceGroup, it is saying "command not recognized" or "command was found in the module 'AzureRM.profile'., but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module AzureRM.profile' ". Even after running the import-module  AzureRM.profile, I am getting the same error. Please help.

Looks like I need to unistall and reinstall Azure on powershell, can anyone please give me step by step instructions to unistall and reinstall azure powershell modules on Macbook air.


I can only run Get-AzSubscription.
Oct 18, 2019 in Azure by Swapna
• 140 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes

Hey start the uninstallation process by checking the available versions:

Get-InstalledModule -Name Az -AllVersions


Version             Name                           Repository           Description
-------             ----                           ----------           -----------
0.7.0               Az                             PSGallery            Azure Resource Manager Module
1.0.0               Az                             PSGallery            Azure Resource Manager Module

Get the list of dependent submodules:

function Uninstall-AllModules {



  $AllModules = @()
  'Creating list of dependencies...'
  $target = Find-Module $TargetModule -RequiredVersion $version
  $target.Dependencies | ForEach-Object {
    if ($_.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'requiredVersion') {
      $AllModules += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{name=$_.name; version=$_.requiredVersion}
    else { # Assume minimum version
      # Minimum version actually reports the installed dependency
      # which is used, not the actual "minimum dependency." Check to
      # see if the requested version was installed as a dependency earlier.
      $candidate = Get-InstalledModule $_.name -RequiredVersion $version -ErrorAction Ignore
      if ($candidate) {
        $AllModules += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{name=$_.name; version=$version}
      else {
        $availableModules = Get-InstalledModule $_.name -AllVersions
        Write-Warning ("Could not find uninstall candidate for {0}:{1} - module may require manual uninstall. Available versions are: {2}" -f $_.name,$version,($availableModules.Version -join ', '))
  $AllModules += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{name=$TargetModule; version=$Version}

  foreach ($module in $AllModules) {
    Write-Host ('Uninstalling {0} version {1}...' -f $module.name,$module.version)
    try {
      Uninstall-Module -Name $module.name -RequiredVersion $module.version -Force:$Force -ErrorAction Stop -WhatIf:$WhatIf
    } catch {
      Write-Host ("`t" + $_.Exception.Message)

Remove older versions of powershell:

Uninstall-AllModules -TargetModule Az -Version 0.7.0 -Force


Creating list of dependencies...
Uninstalling Az.Profile version 0.7.0
Uninstalling Az.Aks version 0.7.0
Uninstalling Az.AnalysisServices version 0.7.0

Command to uninstall:

$versions = (Get-InstalledModule Az -AllVersions | Select-Object Version)
$versions[0..($versions.Length-2)]  | foreach { Uninstall-AllModules -TargetModule Az -Version ($_.Version) -Force }
answered Oct 22, 2019 by Pearl

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