Migrate WordPress from on-prem VM to AWS

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I have a few blogs deployed on WordPress running on a virtualized platform on-prem. I would like to migrate this to AWS. Migration should also include re-pointing DNS records associated with the website. I am aware this is possible but could you please in brief tell me the steps I'll have to follow?

Thanks in advance!
Oct 17, 2019 in AWS by Hannah
• 18,540 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hi @hannah, its a good decision to migrate to AWS, it becomes way easier to manage traffic when they are deployed over the cloud. Follow these steps and let me know if you need more detailed explanation about these steps.

  1. Obviously, set up your AWS environment
  2. Replicate your database
  3. Download the SMS connector
  4. Configure SMS and Hypervisor permissions
  5. Install and configure SMS connector application(system)
  6. Import your VM inventory and create a replication job
  7. Launch an EC2 instance
  8. Change DNS records to connect the WordPress blog to your EC2 instance

Have a look at this for more details: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/how-to-migrate-multi-tier-environments-using-the-aws-server-migration-service/

Hope this helps!

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answered Oct 17, 2019 by Aleesha

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