Can anyone suggest when should I use Manage Windows Web Control vs Object Cloning for extracting data

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Can anyone suggest when should I use Manage Windows/Web Control vs Object Cloning for extracting data in Automation Anywhere?
Oct 17, 2019 in RPA by anonymous
• 3,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hello, to understand when should you use Manage Windows/Web Controls vs Object Cloning for extracting data in Automation Anywhere, you should first understand what are these two methods/tools. 

So, Object cloning is specifically used for capturing objects that use technologies such as Flex, Silverlight, Java or HTML. It captures properties such as X,Y coordinates, object properties and image, if enabled. Object Cloning command is used to recognize Objects and a variety of their properties, including Name, Type, Path, and Value. 

While, Manage Windows Control command allows you to work with windows controls like check-boxes and radio buttons. With this command, you can find out if the radio button or check box is checked or not. Automation Anywhere supports only standard Windows checkboxes and radio buttons. Manager Web Control enables you to automate internet-related tasks such as extraction of like data or table data, source code from a website, navigate to a URL and download data. It also allows one to extract data in table or pattern-based to a CSV file.

answered Oct 17, 2019 by Ruchi

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