How to use scoop in a Java Program

0 votes
I am a fresher in Big Data Hadoop, Can someone help me how to use Sqoop in a Java Program?
Sep 4, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by nitinrawat895
• 11,380 points

2 answers to this question.

0 votes

There is a trick which worked out for me pretty well. Via ssh, you can execute the Sqoop command directly. Just you have to use is an SSH Java Library

This is independent of Java. You just need to include any SSH library and scoop installed in the remote system you want to perform the import. Now connect to the system via ssh and execute the commands which will export data from MySQL to hive.

You have to follow this step.

Download sshxcute java library: and Add it to the build path of your java project which contains the following Java code

import net.neoremind.sshxcute.core.SSHExec;
import net.neoremind.sshxcute.core.ConnBean;
import net.neoremind.sshxcute.task.CustomTask;
import net.neoremind.sshxcute.task.impl.ExecCommand;

public class TestSSH {

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{

    // Initialize a ConnBean object, the parameter list is IP, username, password

    ConnBean cb = new ConnBean("", "root","hadoop");

    // Put the ConnBean instance as parameter for SSHExec static method getInstance(ConnBean) to retrieve a singleton SSHExec instance
    SSHExec ssh = SSHExec.getInstance(cb);          
    // Connect to server
    CustomTask sampleTask1 = new ExecCommand("echo $SSH_CLIENT"); // Print Your Client IP By which you connected to ssh server on Horton Sandbox
    CustomTask sampleTask2 = new ExecCommand("sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username=mysql_user --password=mysql_pwd --table mysql_table_name --hive-import -m 1 -- --schema default");

Hope this helps!

Enroll in Java training here to learn more.


answered Sep 4, 2019 by ravikiran
• 4,620 points

edited Jul 5, 2023 by Khan Sarfaraz
0 votes

There is a trick which worked out for me pretty well. Via ssh, you can execute the Sqoop command directly. Just you have to use is an SSH Java Library

This is independent of Java. You just need to include any SSH library and scoop installed in the remote system you want to perform the import. Now connect to the system via ssh and execute the commands which will export data from MySQL to hive.

You have to follow this step.

Download sshxcute java library and Add it to the build path of your java project which contains the following Java code

import net.neoremind.sshxcute.core.SSHExec;
import net.neoremind.sshxcute.core.ConnBean;
import net.neoremind.sshxcute.task.CustomTask;
import net.neoremind.sshxcute.task.impl.ExecCommand;

public class TestSSH {

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{

    // Initialize a ConnBean object, the parameter list is IP, username, password

    ConnBean cb = new ConnBean("", "root","hadoop");

    // Put the ConnBean instance as parameter for SSHExec static method getInstance(ConnBean) to retrieve a singleton SSHExec instance
    SSHExec ssh = SSHExec.getInstance(cb);          
    // Connect to server
    CustomTask sampleTask1 = new ExecCommand("echo $SSH_CLIENT"); // Print Your Client IP By which you connected to ssh server on Horton Sandbox
    CustomTask sampleTask2 = new ExecCommand("sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username=mysql_user --password=mysql_pwd --table mysql_table_name --hive-import -m 1 -- --schema default");
answered Sep 4, 2019 by ravikiran
• 4,620 points

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