How do I set a Gtk StatusIcon as Text

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I want to create a Gtk.StatusIcon with custom text. Ideally, I'd like to append this to an existing image, but text-only is ok, too. How can I achieve this?

I've read about getting a Gtk.Label's pixbuf but those methods seem to be removed from Gtk3. Is there any other solution?
Jul 31, 2019 in Python by ana1504.k
• 7,910 points

1 answer to this question.

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I don't think that is possible. The status icon is not a widget and the icon is going to be scaled by the window manager. Even if you used Cairo or PIL to generate an image on the fly to use as the icon pixbuf, it wouldn't have the effect of an embedded label in the system tray. It would instead be tiny, unreadable text smushed into the size of the other icons.
answered Jul 31, 2019 by SDeb
• 13,300 points

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