How do I develop a supply chain DApp on Blockchain

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I wish to develop an application which allows a food supply chain to be stored using the Ethereum Blockchain. Here, I want to store assets from a farm that would be viewable by the consumer. They would be able to retrieve the info about a specific product from the blockchain. What I am confused about is- whether a separate smart contract is required for each asset, or if one smart contract can be used to store information about several different assets. Please help me with this concept. 

May 30, 2018 in Blockchain by Christine
• 15,790 points

1 answer to this question.

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Either of the ways is acceptable but multiple smart contracts are always preferable. If you are using a single smart contract, you can have a data structure to map the ID of the item to its current position in the supply chain . You can have a simple mapping from an integer for this. This approach gets complicated if you want to track all previous locations of a particular item. Also, any error in the contract would render the entire program unusable and since everything on a blockchain is immutable, it would ALWAYS be there. 

The best approach would be maintain separate smart contract for each item.In each contract you can have a mapping from timestamp/string to a struct to store details of the item. Moreover, you'd need to alter only a particular contract in case of any discrepancies.

answered May 30, 2018 by Perry
• 17,100 points

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