Does HQL query go to all the nodes to process data

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Assume I have 5 nodes on Hadoop cluster. So my input file would be split into 5 nodes. Now when I write an HQL (select * from table), will the query go to each node, execute it and combines the result and send it back as output? 

Jul 26, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by Tina

1 answer to this question.

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InputSplits are created by logical division of data, which serves as the input to a single Mapper job. Blocks, on the other hand, are created by the physical division of data. One input split can spread across multiple physical blocks of data.

The basic need of Input splits is to feed accurate logical locations of data correctly to the Mapper so that each Mapper can process complete set of data spread over more than one blocks. When Hadoop submits a job, it splits the input data logically (Input splits) and these are processed by each Mapper. The number of Mappers is equal to the number of input splits created.

InputFormat.getSplits() is responsible for generating the input splits which uses each split as input for each mapper job so it doesn't really depend no number of nodes in cluster rather on number of mappers.
answered Jul 26, 2019 by Tina

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