How can I integrate ethereum wallet on my site

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There are certain actions I want to be there on my site.
For a user doing any actions on the website I want then to pay me a token,
User should be able to transfer tokens from one account to another.
User must be able to withdraw these tokens or convert them into cryptocurrency

How can I do that??
May 29, 2018 in Blockchain by Johnathon
• 9,090 points

1 answer to this question.

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you can use web3 js API to integrate wallet into your website, and the users should have metamask extension in their chrome browser.

You can extract all information you need by metamask plugin using javascript API. After extracting their accounts you can send them over to your custom server and reward them by making transactions to your smart contract where you exchange tokens.

Every user can make transaction to the smart contract to exchange tokens with other users (similar to how you reward them)

They can exchange tokens for ethereum by invoking the corresponding method of your custom smart contract which estimates the value of the token according to how you value them in your smart contract and based on the token value in ethers you deduct that value from the ethers which are deposited in the smart contract address and then transfer the ethers to the user ethereum account

answered May 29, 2018 by Perry
• 17,100 points

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