Memory requirement issue for a docker container

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I need to create a docker container in which I need to run a java application. Since i am not really sure about the usage of resources by the java application i need to allocate some extra memory space for my container just as a precautionary measure so that it I dont encounter an out of memory error.How do I go about doing this? Any suggestions would be of help!
Jul 4, 2019 in Docker by Nizam

1 answer to this question.

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Docker provides ways to control how much memory, or CPU a container can use, setting runtime configuration flags of the docker run command.

You could use --memory-swap which is a modifier flag along with the docker run command.Using swap allows the container to write excess memory requirements to disk when the container has exhausted all the RAM that is available to it. There is a performance penalty for applications that swap memory to disk often.

For a further understanding refer:

answered Jul 4, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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