Difference between root of hdfs and local machine

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Although this is the very basic question and might sound stupid, but I have to ask this question as this will not be able to make me move ahead in the course!

While running the commands I was a bit confused regarding the fact that which location is what. I mean, how the root folder of the HDFS and the normal local machine is different from each other?

I have -put the file using:

hdfs dfs -put <filename> and press enter this will save the file in the local machine I believe and if we put the "/" at the last in the same command this will save in the root folder of the hdfs .but I am unable to find the difference between these two!

I have put the same file to both the location and I can see the file inside the user/edureka folder. To which machine this edureka folder belongs?

Jun 19, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by anonymous

1 answer to this question.

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The command hdfs dfs -put command is used to transfer the file from local file system to hdfs. In any edge node, if you use the syntax as

hadoop dfs -put file.txt /user/data

then the file will move to /user/data. In case of webconsole the default hdfs path has been set to /user/edureka_id so if you use the command hadoop dfs -put file.txt the file goes to the hdfs path /user/edureka_id directly .

answered Jun 19, 2019 by Mahi

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